Pam and Vicky came back to London and we met for an early lunch in Trafalgar Square. This was Jean, Wendy and Michael's last day so we decided to walk around a bit.
We headed towards Covent Garden, looked in at the market and the London Transport Museum, then walked over to Fairmont's Savoy Hotel. Sara, this picture's for you.
We walked around the theater district,
past a store that made miniature replicas of guitars famous Brits played,
and over to St. Paul's Cathedral, a baroque masterpiece that was bombed numerous times during WWII and never destroyed. The monument in front of St. Paul's dome is called the pineapple column, referring to the gilt pineapple at the top. This city is full of monuments, sculptures and statues. It is so much fun to walk around in!
Here's Laura on the steps of St. Paul's offering tuppence to feed the birds. :)
another sculpture
We crossed over the Millennium bridge, which is the bridge used in the beginning of the movie Harry Potter 6. Michael and Laura don't look too concerned about the death eaters!
the Thames clean up crew
Laura is pictured inside the Roman goddess Minerva, whose Greek name is Athena.
We all had a wonderful day exploring and we were sad to see our family leave,
but glad they could visit us.